Sunday, May 20, 2012

Twelfth 2012 Road Run

I enjoyed our twelfth 2012 road run with ate Grace Ocaña, ate Raquel Soriano, ate Len Ding, ate Rhoda Mamaril, unker Fred Galimba, and kuya Jun Magalgalit. We started at 7:00AM and ended at 9:00AM.

Route: Camp John Hay Batirol 2X [START] - Illusorio Drive - Outlook Drive - Wright Park 4X Villamor Drive - Outlook Drive North - Illusorio Drive - Camp John Hay Batirol [FINISH]

ate snack (no cheat) at Mr. Hapi and meeting for May 26-27 sleepover party... 

Hope and pray for a successful, positive and healthy 2012! God bless everyone!


May 17 - diet plan Day 2... all vegetables except corn and peas, baked/mashed potato for breakfast... met summercapital... attended Raymond's spinning class... 

May 18 - diet plan Day 3... all fruits and vegetables except banana, potato, corn and peas... attended Jimmy's body sculpt class and Raymond's spinning class... ate dinner (i did not cheat) with honeybunch Lua, brad JQ, ate DinDin, Guion, Kylie, and friend at SM City Baguio's McDonalds... great chit-chat with honeybunch Lua, and JQ at Session Road...

May 19 - diet plan Day 4... bananas and milk with special soup... met rhon... cardio exercises... attended Raymond's spinning class... ate dinner with ate Rhoda at SM City Baguio's Food Court Bodhi (vegetables cheat for tomorrow's long jogrun)... met ate Rhoda's husband Sweet...

May 20 - diet plan Day 5... beef/chicken/fish and tomatoes... twelfth 2012 road run... 

Thank you Father God for today's blessings, Amen!

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