Tuesday, January 31, 2012

JANXP Baguio 33 Duathlon

finished my 5K run in the JANXP Baguio 33 Duathlon on September 11, 2011 at Burnham Lake Drive, Baguio City. My 3rd 5K and 7th official running event, with an unofficial time of 39:68.00 (6.2K on Global Positioning System).

Certificate of Finish

The JANXP Baguio 33 Duathlon was sponsored by Render Farm Graphics, with Race Director Philip A. Pacle and Race Organizer Jan Xavier Pacle.

Race Bib 3063

Route: Burnham Park Lake Drive (START) - Kisad Road - Baguio General Hospital - Military Cut-off - Panagbenga Park - Academia de Sofia International (TURNING POINT) - via same route (FINISH)

with me were my gym/running friends 2nd placer ate Rose Ocaña,  3rd placer kabsat Kristine Piacos, unker Frederick Galimba, official photographer ate Grace Ocaña, with Ms. Karina Sabater-Lagman


in preparation for 5K Run in the JANXP Baguio 33 Duathlon on September 10, 2011, 5:30AM-7:30AM, the Fitness Edge beElite runners, successfully had its group road run. it started in Panagbanga Park TO South Drive TO MANSION (exclusing me, I started 6:00AM) TO Baguio Country Club TO Camp John Hay TO Loakan Road TO Forest House TO Nevada Square. today's team is composed of Ms. Karina Sabater-Lagman, ate Rose Ocaña. ate Grace Ocaña, kabsat Kristine Piacos, and Jeffrey Ordoña. was not able to see ate Mhe-ann Tablang and kuya Wensis Tablang on the road. 

[Photo Courtesy of ate Grace Ocaña]

Congratulations to all finishers. Thank you God for a safe, injury-free and successful run.


The Pusong Pinoy Heroes' Run on August 28, 2011 was scheduled to be my 7th official running event with 12K distance. I was unable to attend because of the storm with heavy rain and wind but still the said event pushed through.

Race Bib 0277

stressed by preparing accreditation papers... attended ate Rose' spinning class... ate dinner at SM City Baguio's Shakeys with Ms. Rina and ate Rose... at home, watched Survivor Philippines Celebrity Doubles Showdown, Dong Yi, Saksi (Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona's impeachment trial day 9)... Thank you Father God for today's blessings, Amen!

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